About the Book
This book is about my journey through this great game of life. I have been fortunate to have a very interesting and rewarding life. This book was meant to be a journal for existing and future relatives, but a good friend of mine, Ted Snedeker who is an accomplished author, encouraged me to share the condensed version of my life with friends and the general public. I am not a professional writer, but I think most people will enjoy this book. I have to warn the prospective reader that I am very conservative and I wrote a few derogatory remarks about the Democrat Party.
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So many things I want to know more about!
Since Rob’s dad was an Elder boy (so yes a red neck with a kick ass mentality) and his mom went to Western Hills, I told him you paid your own way to go to Elder. I also told him you were sort of an absentee there as well. He wondered why you bothered paying your own way to go there then. Figured I would have to reread that part, but attributed it to you being a rebel!