About the Book
This book is about my journey through this great game of life. I have been fortunate to have a very interesting and rewarding life. This book was meant to be a journal for existing and future relatives, but a good friend of mine, Ted Snedeker who is an accomplished author, encouraged me to share the condensed version of my life with friends and the general public. I am not a professional writer, but I think most people will enjoy this book. I have to warn the prospective reader that I am very conservative and I wrote a few derogatory remarks about the Democrat Party.
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The hardbound book is $24.95. The quality paperback is $16.95.
Book available from area retailers, or email me at [email protected] to order directly. If you order a book from me, I will dedicate, sign, and ship books to you with a bill and a return envelope for you to send me a check.
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Uplifting Book
There are many good families from Southeast Indiana. Too many to mention for this post but one of them is the Reidy family. I was lucky to become friends with Rich Reidy, even more after High School. Although I met him personally years ago, I recently became connected via Facebook to his father, Larry Reidy. I actually ordered and read his Father’s book earlier this year. I encourage anyone who wants to read an uplifting book, a book of what’s awesome about this country and our freedoms, and especially for those who still believe in this wonderful country of ours, to visit his site and order one. A very good read, from a man who has the credentials to write such. Merry Christmas. Yep, I said it.