I purchased this pistol because it’s unique and is fun to shoot. This 9MM is a blowback semi-auto post with a 7 1/2 inch barrel. The Scorpion is used by law enforcement agencies worldwide. The difference in the civilian version is it is semi-auto versus law enforcement EVO is semi-auto and fully automatic. After firing twenty-five rounds, I am ordering some replacement accessories. The pistol has ambidextrous safety. The right side digs into your upper portion of your index finger to replace the right-side safety. I also ordered two thirty-round magazines and a speed loader. I am going to install an EOTECH HOLOGRAPHIC sight that I have on my Wilson Combat AR15. Most of my AR15 shooting is one hundred-fifty-two-hundred yards, and I have scopes on all my other rifles because I shoot at some small steel. I am thinking about purchasing a brace that will be an extension of the Scorpion, but I will not make a decision until I fire the pistol with the enhancements. Update: I added the EOTECH site, Replaced the safety, and installed a Timney Trigger. The addition of the trigger changed this CZ into an addictive firearm. The factory trigger pull was about 14 pound- the Timney 2 1/4 pound.