I Purchased my dream revolver, a Korth Mongoose 357 Magnum. This superb wheel gun also has a 9MM cylinder and several features that will be in my review sometime next week. I plan on shooting the Korth and my Smith & Wesson Performance Center 627-5 357 Magnum. The S&W has an eight-round cylinder.

Congratulations on the new procurements. Hard to go wrong with either. My shooting career began in wheel guns in 1979 as a youngster sporting the infamous N frame Smith Mod. 28 in 6″( same frame as your 627). As I transitioned in competition from wheel to semi due to slightly higher capacity (6 to 8) in 1911. I only wish I could turn back time with the 627 8 shot… who knows… maybe I’d a been somebody…lol. All kidding aside, I’m still and N frame Smith freak and will never re linquish my current and life long collection. I fondled the Korth at ShotShow 20 but not to much due to teasing myself knowing I couldn’t swing it then. I’m intrigued as you spend round after round through it… I will be exited to hear the long journey you have with it.
Take Care LR
You PCB Neighbor of old